Over the years I was sad to see that the Vatican deprived him of his job. Though he never ceased teaching and writing.
It is good to see Charles Curran weighing in on the crisis of our day - as he did during Vatican II in my college long ago.
I honestly can't describe how or in what way he influenced me. It must have seeped in, like gentle rain falling on ground which I didn't even know was thirsty for the influence of a catholic thinker in my young life - in a catholic college, which encouraged us to THINK!
Having recently returned from a reunion with many of my classmates, I am struck by the beautiful women we have become - women now the exact age of the year of our graduation. Women who think for themselves. Women who have grown far beyond the uniformity of the current hierarchy, which ironically terms itself catholic. Women grown into the same kind of spirit-filled heart-giving souls which LCWR sisters embody today and encouraged in our youth.
Charles Curran, I never forgot your name. I have no idea how your presence and homilies seeped into me. You never knew my name. In your humility you came and went. And left your presence in my heart.
Thank you for a beautiful tribute to a truly good man, TheraP. I love the concluding paragraph, in particular.
I can't claim to know Charles Curran, though I've heard him speak at academic meetings and have rubbed shoulders with him in discussions at those meetings--and have always been impressed by his modesty, gentleness, unpretentiousness, and obvious awareness of the feelings of those around him. Not to mention, his depth of learning . . . .
It cuts very deep that people of this caliber, whose prophetic witness the Catholic church so sorely needs, are the ones the church's leaders attack and silence.
Bill, I think we are currently seeing a rip tide at work. The Vatican is swimming in seas which are pulling them out to sea. And those they previously cast away as dregs on the beach are being found and appreciated, lauded and extolled.
I could be wrong. But I see the Holy Spirit at work here. So many people are standing up. So many who suffered for righteousness are reaping the blessing of the eighth Beatitude! You time is coming...
I like your post and your comment, TheraP. :-)
Merci beaucoup, claire! :-)
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