The Holy Spirit is Grieved...
But Her sense of humor is my saving grace.
"At the center of our being is a point of nothingness ~ of pure truth ~ a spark ~ like a pure diamond, blazing with the invisible light of heaven ~ The Gate of Heaven is everywhere!" [Thomas Merton]
This blog is an evolving entity. As is life. It is a private, sacred space - full of pondering and mystery. A place for refreshment or reflection. It does not pretend to be the first word or the last word or any authoritative word, except as a record of my own experiences and reflections - for whatever benefit they may have for others.
It is important to me that this blog be a safe place to open one's heart - without the necessity of defending one's terminology or one's beliefs.
I honor and reverence each person who sincerely follows a faith - or even no faith - but seeks a path of authentic ethical/spiritual practice.
This blog honors the language and movement of the heart ~ personal experiences that shape or bolster one's life or beliefs, guide one's goals and aspirations.
We can seek together to understand, but let us take care as well not to undermine or denigrate belief, practice, or the inevitable failure of language to convey experiences which lie beyond language and at times beyond conceptualization.
For spiritual writers' use of emptiness or nothingness, you might consult some or all of the following (not an exhaustive list, by any means): Meister Eckhart; Thomas Merton; Ruth Burrows; Jean Marie Howe; The Cloud of Unknowing; The Philokalia; also zen, vedanta, insight meditation. Even if what you may read there makes no sense, I assure you that what they have to say affirms my own experience. Thus I'm not going to try and explain, defend, or expound on things which are so far beyond my ken and my pen - that I can only content myself with the mystery of darkness and nothingness, rather than blunder into a thicket of worthless words.
Mystics of every tradition urge that those desirous of Ultimate Reality follow a well-trodden path of spiritual/meditative practice. As the psalms urge: Taste and see - for yourself! I so agree.... Everything leads to the same vanishing point.
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